Thursday, March 1, 2012

Worst thing ever

I would have to say that I think planning a funeral has to be one of the worst things you have to do in your life. I have never personally had to plan one and I am hoping that I never have to ever but i'm sure that will not happen. I know that when Ken and I get a little older I want to have everything planned out so that our kids never have to worry about anything. I know it is a terrible time and I really think that planning it just makes it all much worse. It is a fact of life and it makes it much easier to know that we will be with our God in heaven.


Well tomorrow is the very first day that Madison has gymnastics class. She is very excited, and I am excited for her. She has been wanting to do something for a while and when I was going to sign her up for softball this year I found out she was still to young. I then started looking into what she could do and I found a place and asked her if she wanted to give it a try. She was very excited and wanted to do it right away. It is a little on the pricey side but if she will enjoy it then we will let her try it for a while. I cant wait to see her in her little outfit. She already has a few to choose from.

Friday, February 10, 2012

New Baby

I had a friend of mine texting me yesterday about a few of them getting together and throwing me a baby shower for the last baby. That is something that I surely do not want. It was very nice of them but I do not like to be the center of attention and I honestly think that if you have more than one baby shower in your life that is kinda greedy. I just don't think its right for some strange reason. I don't mind going to other peoples double showers but I don't like to invite people to a shower for myself that I don't feel I should have. I suggested to them just having a girls day would be perfect. I only need a few things anyways so it would not be a big deal to buy them myself. One of the major things that we need is a stroller. We had one from Ben but ti was very old and we tossed it after Aidan was born. I don't think we will get a stroller travel system but it seems they all come this way now days. We will have to shop around. Maybe I could even find one at a garage sale this summer. That would be the best idea if you ask me. It saves money and you can get something nice.

Feeling Better

I am so thankful that I am feeling better. The last few days I must have caught a bug or something because I was not feeling good at all. I was getting sick all the time and I was so tired. Today is actually the first day that I feel like getting out of bed. I had to the other days because I was the only one here but today I did not mind. Ken was so sweet he asked me everyday if he could take a personal day so that I could sleep and he could take care of things. I told him that he needed to go because he was going to get his promotion. He called me that day and told me that I was right he was promoted. I was very happy that he went that day or we would not have found out. He asked me today if he should also take off but I told him I was feeling a little better. I am very glad that I am because I have lots to do before the kids have their valentines day parties at school. We still have to go shopping for their treats for the class to pass around. Maybe tonight we will get that done. Going to bed last night at 8pm really helped out.

Monday, February 6, 2012


One thing that Ken has been wanting for many years is a motorcycle. I know it is not a mid life crisis but rather something that he has been wanting for many year. He does not have a license to drive one so that would be his first step in ownership. I don't really know how I feel about him having one. I know that they are dangerous and that scares me a little bit. Its not that I don't trust him driving it but what about all the other drivers on the road as well. If he does get one in the future I will look into an Alpinestars Jacket. I know they are made for motorcyclists because they cut through the wind and they also cover your body in case of an accident. Not that it would really protect you much but at least you would be fully covered to take some of the spill. They are pretty stylish and I think he would look good in one. We will have to see as we have other things we need before he gets a bike.

Long Day

Well today was a long day. Aidan got up pretty early it was only 8:45. I know that is not early for some but I was exhausted at that time. I was already up at 7am to get Ben off to school. I also did not go to bed as early as I should have after we went to the super bowl party at a friends house. After lunch Maddie was ready for school and Aidan and I came home and I was very thankful he took a nap. I also was sleeping the second I hit that pillow. It is always amazing to me how much easier I can fall asleep for a nap than at night time. Ken had school right after work today and did not get home until 6:45pm. Then cub scouts for Ben started at 7pm so he had a bite to eat and left with Ben just five minutes later. Now its just Maddie, Aidan and I, and I am so tired. This pregnancy is really running me down that's for sure. I am glad for the most part my morning sickness is gone but now if I could just get some energy. I think I am going to turn into bed early tonight. I hope Ken is tired since he always goes to bed at the same time as me.

Cooking, Cleaning, and Watching TV!

Contribution by Stevie Kirby
I recently purchased a new high definition television! I was excited to add some new Cable televisionchannels to my subscription at home. Watching my shows in high definition is so cool! I am a television junkie but I lead a very busy life. So I love that I can use the digital video recorder daily! I am not a couch potato, mind you. I am actually a little obsessive compulsive about cleaning and organizing my home so watching television, while important to me and very relaxing for me, is not my top priority. I love making my house into a home. I want it to be comfortable and clean without producing the feeling of being perfect and untouchable. I enjoy having guests over and cooking dinner for them. When I invite friends over for dinner, I light candles, play music through my television music channels, and open a great bottle of wine. It is the best way to share good times with great friends! Cooking is very therapeutic for me. Some people play tennis or golf to alleviate stress. I cook!