Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Perfect Plan

What is the perfect diet plan for you. I think that everyone has a different plan for themselves that will fit their selves perfectly. I was reading about the hcg diet plan. It says that you can loose a pound of fat a day if you stick to their plan. Well how much is a pound of fat. I was reading a little further and it really amazed me when they said a pound of fat is the size of a gallon of milk. Wow that is amazing. Who knew that one could have that much fat on their bodies when you but it in terms of gallons of milk. I think that is pretty impressive. Their diet plan has some o the best fat burners right inside one little pill. I was also wondering if you would loose that much weight and actually keep it off. I read that usually the users loose more the second month and still keep off the first weight loss. That is great considering that so many places promise weight loss fast and then you gain it all back in a mater of days. Nobody wants to be on those diets. This just might sound like the plan for me.

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