Thursday, July 8, 2010

Keeping Healthy

I have to say I think we have a pretty healthy family. I have never really had a major problem with the kids being sick. We do get the occasional cold in the winter time and Ken and I come down with a sinus infection of two during the winter but that's it. One thing that we always do is take our multivitamins every morning. The kids as well take a vitamin to get the vitamins they are lacking from every day meals. I have not yet started Aidan on one because I am fearful that he would choke but I am sure by next winter he will be able to have them. I really think that is the reason we are always so healthy.
I have to admit once we do get sick it is terrible because we all share it. It seems like it takes forever to get rid of the sickness. Thankfully it does not happen to often.

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