Thursday, September 16, 2010

What's your Workout?

What is your special workout that you do to stay healthy. I was looking at this one and trying to decide if it would be something that Ken and I would like to try. I was looking at the p90x reviews when he told me that his dad actually has this workout. I guess we really don't know if his dad does the workout or if someone else does the workout in his dads house. He just said that he seen it in the house last time he was there. One thing that I liked when reading the article about the work out is that it is a bunch of different work out videos in one system so that way you do not get board watching the same video every single day. I know that when I watch the same video over and over again it gets to be old and I don't feel like doing it any longer. Maybe this video series will not be the case because there are numerous videos that you can do and still complete the program. I am going to run it by Ken and see what he thinks. Maybe he will want to do it with me.

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