Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Loosing Weight

It is so typical for most Americans to make a new years resolution to loose weight. They try just about all the best supplements for weight loss on the market. I find it amazing that every year Americans spend millions of dollars on different weight loss pills and new exercise regimens. Every year around this time they start putting sales on all the home gym equipment and wait for all the people to buy it. It then becomes a clothes rack in their basement a few months later. Last year Ken and I bought a treadmill and vowed it would not hold pants or shirts but I have to admit that is exactly what it is doing right now. I am a little ashamed of it since there is no school and we don't really have an excuse for it. It just seems to happen once you wall of the weight loss kick. I hope to jump back on this week and continue for a lifetime. I came across a website that is very helpful in counting your calories. I think it might help me to stay focused.

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