Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Living so Close

Well living so close to my parents has more than a ton of advantages. As a matter of fact Ben's school just called me and told me that Ben got sick in the classroom. I was very thankful that my mom said she would go and pick him up because then I wont have to wake Aidan from his nap. He is a monster if he does not get a nap. I don't think Ben is really sick I think he may have just choked on something or gagged. Ben has had a terrible gag reflex since he was born and he pukes if something goes down wrong or if he smells something bad. He got that from Ken because ken also gags at things like smells and the dentist. Huh I hope he just gagged and is not sick. He was playing just fine all morning so I am sure he is not sick.

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