Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Miss it

One thing that I really miss doing is my blogging hobby. It seems to take a lot of stress off me and with three kids I could use a good stress relief. I seem to be so busy with baseball and t-ball practice and games lately. It seems like they are almost everyday of the week. As much as I love to watch both the kids at their games I am looking forward to the end of the month because both sports are then over for the summer. I will have a lot more free time during the evenings and so will Ken. our patio just might get finished and that will be really nice to sit and relax in a comfy patio set. The kids are also attending VBS this week and they are really enjoying that as well. So not just my nights are busy but also my mornings this week. It will all be over soon and we will be able to enjoy our summer vacation.

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