Thursday, September 15, 2011

School in Session

Well school for both kids is in full swing. I have to admit I am so not used to having to get up at 7am in the morning to get Ben off to school. I am not by any means a morning person. It is a real struggle for me to get going in the morning but I know that I have no other choice. For some strange reason God has blessed me with kids that also love to sleep late all these years and I have really enjoyed it. I have been very thankful for my mom since school started because she comes over every morning to sit at my house while Maddie and Aidan sleep so that I can run Ben to school. That way I do not have to wake them in the morning. It sure has been a blessing to me. I have sometimes found myself crawling back in bed after dropping him off because the other kids are still sleeping. Today was the first day I stayed awake. I wonder if my body is getting used to it.

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