Sunday, November 6, 2011

WIsh I blogged more.

I always wish that I blogged more once I get started. It is so hard for me to get doing again since I always feel we are so busy. So much happens in our daily lives that I should writ it down so that the kids can read it when they are older.
Some new happening that are going on in the next few weeks are exciting for us. Madison agent has called us and she has an audition for a clothing model in a couple weeks. She is very excited. And let me tell you if they pick her they are going to my all time favorite store. It would be so neat for us to see her in their sales paper. I went shopping and found her some really cute pants to wear to her audition and I cant wait to see how it turns out. We still have a few weeks to wait.
Ben is doing very good in school. We have upcoming parent teacher conferences with him soon. his teacher always tells me how good he is and I could not be more proud.
Aidan is talking complete sentences and is like a ten year old with his thoughts. I tell you if speech is amazing. He is also getting so big these days. Yet he still is so little to me.
Ken is very excited for Christmas soon and I am excited to go get our tree. We are hoping to get it at the beginning of December this year.

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