Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Blanket

When Aidan was born I really wanted to get him a cute little blanket that went with his room decor. I picked out this cute little brown soft blanket. Well as it turn out Aidan now loves this blanket more than life itself. He carries this blanket around with him every single place he goes around the house and out as well. I have been searching for another blanket just like it so I can switch it once in a while to wash it. I have had no luck anywhere. I found on on eBay but they wanted almost fifty dollars for the carters blanky. There was no way I was going to pay that price. I went to target the other day and as I was leaving the store I seen it. The same blanket that Aidan had on the bottom shelf of the rack. It was the only one left. It was not even near the other blankets so someone must have dumped it off changing their mind. I was so happy I could scream. I grabbed that blanket and went to the check out. Thankfully we now have two of his most loved possession. I can not wash it and have it smelling like downy without him crying for it. What luck!

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