Tuesday, January 11, 2011


This year Ken and I had a plan to write down goals we had for the new year. They are not really resolutions but rather goals that we wished to accomplish over the course of the year. If we get them done sooner than that it would be fine as well. Some of them are reachable by the end of the week where others will take a little more time to achieve. We each have our own list because we each want to have different things change before the end of the year. We also would like to both start an exercise plan. It is not a resolution however because those typically get broken after the first couple months after the new year has started. We would like to find different ways of burning belly fat. It is suppose to be the worst type of fat for your heart. It seems every time I have a baby I never fully loose the fat that I put on from the baby. It is not an excuse but I need to do something about it. I don't like to be this way so i will try to change. I do have many other small goals that I know with hard work I can achieve as well.

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