Monday, March 28, 2011

Diaper Addiction

Well I think I have a diaper addiction. I was getting suck a good deal on diapers that I was buying so many of them. I actually even bought some really small baby diapers so that when we decide to have another baby I will have some diapers. I know that I have enough diapers for the rest of Aidan's diaper days. I am really hoping to start potty training him in the future. I know we stated Madison when she was two years old. Boys take a little longer so I am thinking about two and a half but absolutely no later than that. I don't even know how people wait any longer. By then they are like a full sized adult in the diaper department. I have boxes and boxes of huggies but we will save what we don't use for the next time around. Ken keeps asking me but I'm not to sure just yet. Maybe by the kids birthday I will be ready.

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