Monday, March 28, 2011

A Dry Basement

One thing that I love about our house is that it has a basement. I know that some people can live without one but we personally love it. I have no idea what we would do with all the stuff that we have if we did not have a basement. We are not junk collectors but we do have things that we want to keep. Things like our baby stuff. Ken was just talking to me the other day about having another baby. I am not quite ready yet but we do agree that we want one more maybe sometime in the future. I am just glad that we can put stuff in our basement because we have a really good dehumidifier. It really makes the basement dry and not musty smelling. I think that you have to have one if you have a basement. We had a really old one but Ken's dad gave us a newer one. You can really tell the difference when it is running. We almost leave it running all year long especially in the summer.

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