Monday, April 18, 2011

A Bad Knee

My dad for as long as I can remember has had a bad knee. When he was young and stupid he was riding his motor cycle and he fell off it trying to impress my mom. Well he was put into a full leg cast and ever since he has had really bad knee problems every once in a great while. It did not stop him from running around the yard with me as a kid or playing tag but he sometimes has to use a knee brace. I think it was because when he was working for many years he would always have to kneel to get the work done and he never then used a brace or a knee pad for protection. I don't really know if it would have helped him now if he would have done those things in the past but it would have helped some I am sure. The braces on this website really look nice and well made. I am sure they would really help out with my dads knee problems. Maybe I should pass the site to him to see if he would be interested.

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