Monday, April 18, 2011

Practice Make Perfect

One thing that we have been doing the past few weekends was to teach the kids how to ride a bike. I want to get them both to be able to ride with no training wheels this summer. I know that they can both do it if they tried. Ben is getting much better and Madison is also improving a lot. I know that she is two years younger than Ben is but she is a great learner. Ben has also been doing so well. He gets really nervous if you let go but he can ride for a while without us holding on to the back of his seat. That is my goal for this year with the kids. I am sure that they will be able to ride with out them really soon if we keep on practicing with them. I know when they will be able to do it they will be really excited to go for bike rides. Hopefully soon we will have some really nice days so that we can practice more than we have so far.

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