Wednesday, April 27, 2011

In the News

I don't know if you watch the news but I do almost every night. I like to find out what is going on in the world an in my community. I noticed that the other day on the news that there was a big controversy with the diet pill industry because some of them are making false claims of weight loss and now they are getting in trouble for it. Well I think it is about time if you ask me. I can not believe that companies can just make claims like that and not have any proof anyways. That is nice to know they are finally cracking down on them. I have looked at many reviews of different weight loss products on the market. Just the other day I was looking at wondering if they were actually legitimate reviews or if they were also false. It seems they have nice reviews but as you heard on the news that does not always mean the product is good. I will do a little more research before I make my judgement. I encourage you to do the same as well.

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