Friday, April 22, 2011

Moving Up

Well if one thing is for sure that is everyone in the world likes to move up on the working chain. Most people I know would love to be managers and actually would be really good at it if they had the opportunity. I personally think that Ken would be an excellent manager. Not just because I am married to him but because I know he has an excellent work ethic and he is very dedicated to his job. He does not ever call in sick just because he does not want to go and he hate to call in sick if he has to because he is sick. He usually goes to work and they send him home. He also is not the type to let
management jobs go to his head. I have had many managers that were terrible in my lifetime. They thought that because they were managers they were awesome at their job. Well they weren't and they got a big huge head just because they had the title. I am sure you have had one as well. I have also had great managers that did not think they were better just because they were a manager. Those are the ones that make working more fun and that you like to do your best for all the time. I know Ken would be perfect at the job. I am sure he will get a promoption soon.

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