Friday, April 22, 2011


Well our never sick daughter has finally caught a sickness. I am just praying that she will recover before Easter Sunday in just a few short days. So far we are in the clear with the other two having a fever but Aidan has been coughing all night last night and Ben is also coughing today. Maddie told me yesterday morning right when she got up that she did not feel to good. I know they got it from a party we were at on Sunday. Kids don't just usually get sick. Well mine don't ever get sick anyways unless they are around a sick child. They usually then show symptoms a few days later because that's how long it take to germinate in your body. I am just hoping that the other two will stay away from Maddie and we will still be able to see our family for Easter. I love Easter and Good Friday service at church. They have always been my favorite. Ken will be staying home tonight to stay with Maddie and I will probably take Ben with me to church. He was kind of disappointed not to be able to go but he knows its my favorite services so he told me to go and he would stay home. Anyways I hope she will break the fever tonight or we will be staying home.

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