Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Retire in Style

One thing that Ken and I really hope to do is to be able to retire in style. We want to be able to go on vacation when ever we want to and to be able to just pick up one day and leave for a while. I know that we should be saving more for our retirement right now but we are so far doing a pretty good job. We never use his 401k for a loan or to use it to pay anything. We always just keep it in savings and continue to add to it in hopes that it will grow. One thing that I would love to be able to do is get an rv and travel the country without worrying about how the bills are going to be paid or who will be taking care of the house. I would have to get some really good rv insurance so that we would be covered in case of an accident as well. It would also cover if the rv was in a hail storm or if someone else hit us as well. I like to be covered in case anything would happen. I think that it would be very cool to travel the countryside and stop why ever we would feel like sleeping. We could just park at a camp ground and relax for a while. It would be a dream of ours some day. We will see what happens, hopefully it will some true.

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