Wednesday, April 27, 2011


April showers are for sure bringing May flowers in our party of the state. It has been raining for the past few weeks over here and to be honest we are pretty sick of it. There are so many things that we want to start doing outside. Ken wants to work on the patio he is creating and we also want to get the driveway sealed this year. We also really want to get the garden going and getting the dirt flipped over ready for planting. Last year we started our plants inside the house because it was cold outside still and because some say that they need to be started indoors. I noticed that they now have hydroponics to help you get things started. They are really suppose to get your plants going by regulating a few things to give them a healthy start. I know Ken is planning on getting the garden started sometime soon. We really just need for it to stop raining and for the yard to dry up a little bit. The grass still has not been mowed but all our neighbors have already mowed theirs but our was not really that long yet. Why mow it if you can not even tell it is long. There is so much to do yet nothing we can do because of the weather.

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