Friday, August 5, 2011

A little Better

If you want to know something about me than one fact would be that I have not and never will smoke. Growing up my mom was a smoker and I always hated the smell and I always told myself that it is something that I would never personally do when I was of age. I have to admit that in high school my best friend and I did try it one time and I tried to lite a cigarette and I almost threw up. I never again wanted something like that in my mouth. I also did not want to marry a smoker because I did not want to kiss one and I did not want to smell the smoke that a cigarette produces. I am very thankful that my husband does not smoke and that our kids are not around the second hand smoke. I really do not know anything about the tobacco industry but I have a friend that has a husband that has an electronic cig. Now personally before him I did not even know about them. I was impressed that they do not leave any smell on your clothes or in the air. It is nice so he can have his addiction and the kids are not at risk. I personally would still not like my family members smoking but it is nice to know the smokers have options.

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