Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Thinking deep about The Help book

Guest post written by Abby Steihm

It's kind of weird to read a book set in the 60s talking about the civil rights movement. It's just that because that was so long before my lifetime, it's hard to imagine a time like that. Granted, things definitely aren't perfect now, but reading The Help and imagining that as normally every day life is just so strange. It's a little startling too, but in a really positive way in that it's a good thing that I see all the wrong in it. Hopefully lots of people feel the same way.

I'm just about winding down with the book. I barely have any chapters left to read, but I'm really excited about the movie coming out. I'm interested to see how everything is portrayed in it. I was looking up some info on the casting for it and while I was doing that I ran across a website about satellite internet packages. I showed it to my husband and after that I decided to click HERE and change over our internet service to it.

I'm really excited to see how evil Hilly is in the movie because boy is she evil in the book. I'm really interested to see how that actress comes across as that character.

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