Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Getting used to it

Well at the end of the month the first official trimester of school will be over. I have to say it was a long trimester. Ben's school divides the year into three instead of four what I am used to having. Ben has transitioned to the new school very well. He needs some practice on his reading because he is a little behind. I know that is our fault because over the summer we slacked a little bit on making him read everyday like he was doing during the school year. Besides needing more practice he is getting all A's on his progress report that was sent home last Friday. Madison is loving school and things it just a big play day even though she does not realize that she is learning so much. Aidan is finally used to her going to school three days a week and no longer cries in which I am very thankful.
I on the other had still hate very much waking up to get Ben off to school but I know that I do not really have a choice so I must push forward. I am sure looking forward to summer vacation again that's for sure. Ben is really getting used to waking up since he does it everyday. He now wakes up on the weekends at 7am. He is so considerate of us though he just sits on the couch and watched cartoons or reads a book until we all get up. What a blessing that it to still sleep in on the weekends.

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