Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Book forms

I am pretty sure that when I mention the work scholastic every mom that has a kid in school thinks about books. I know that with two kids in school I am blessed to see every month a book order form that they are sending home in my children's backpacks asking me to buy the books. While we do not buy books from them every time we do every once in a while. I try to encourage the kids to be readers some are easier than others. Madison is a total reader and would look at books all day long. Ben likes to as well but not as much as Maddie. I try to get Ben to pick out books that he can read himself to better his skill. Aidan right now just loves books and likes to pick out all the pictures and show them to me. I noticed that there were some scholastic coupons that might come in handy. I will have to give them a look.

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