Monday, December 5, 2011

Forgetting to Blog

Gosh It always seems like we are so busy that I almost forget to blog these days. With Ken in school and Ben having homework now every single night its like we never get a minutes to ourselves and when we do we just want to relax in the quite. Our new thing is sitting with all the lights off in our living room with only the Christmas tree lights on. We just sit and talk about our days and about the kids and what they are learning and what we need to work on with them. Its nice to sit and just look at the Christmas tree in the evening now that we got it up this past weekend. We went on Friday to get the tree before Ben and Ken had to go decorate the cub scouts float. Ken got the lights on the tree (he always does it) on Saturday. I used to do the lights but Ken always said he could do better so from then on I let him! On Sunday the kids were very excited to hang the ornaments on the tree. Now it is beautifully decorated in our living room. I am also happy Aidan has not even attempted to remove any ornaments.

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