Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Fear of the Flu

Just last night I saw a commercial on the television telling us that it is still not to late to get your vaccine for the H1N1 flu. I personally did not get my kids a vaccine and I don't plan on getting them one in the future. I had the flu and it is not as bad as it seems unless you have a condition before hand. Since I did not have any conditions I never really even noticed that I had that special flu.
We did however have a newborn at the time and Ken and the kids were using hand sanitizer all the time. We all brought it every where we went so we could keep our hands clean. I personally don't thing getting the flu vaccine now would be much help since the season is over but it would be a good idea to start to order you promotional hand sanitizers now so that you can have the ready when the flue season starts again. It is a good way to get your business out there since so many people use these little bottles and always keep them in their diaper bag or purse. It's a good idea to use them after school and before meals. You can share them with your customers to keep them protected, and they will be personally walking around with your business name at all time. That's seems like great publicity.

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