Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Messed Up

Well I am always messing with the settings on my new camera because I always want to check it out and try different options that it comes with. It

has so many options that I think it will take forever to get used to using them all. The other day I was trying a few things and then I got really worried because everything I was taking was blurry and you could not even tell what the picture was suppose to be. I was very thankful that I called the Nikon company and they taught me how to reset all the settings on the camera to its original state. It is now taking good shots again. I also am glad that I know how to do it so I won't be afraid to mess around with it. I wanted to know more so when we go on vacation I can get some really good shots. I have the manual but I am so not good at reading and figuring things out. I wish I was but I learn so much better by doing things than from reading. I am still so thankful for the camera. I love messing around with it.

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