Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Annoying Maple

Well the annoying maple tree in our back yard is at it again. It is dropping its seeds all over the yard. Ken mowed the grass yesterday and that took a lot of them away. They were falling so much yesterday that they were hitting the awning on our front porch so hard it was sounding like little drops of hale. I kept thinking that it was starting to rain every time a big wind came. I love the tree in our back yard because it keeps the whole yard in the shade at about 2pm. It is perfect for birthdays. Ken wanted to reseal the driveway but we did not have time before our trip and I told him we should do it next year before all the maple seeds start to fall because we don't want them all stuck in the sealer. I also wanted to save the money for Disney and not spend it on the driveway sealer. Our driveway is pretty long and I am sure we will need more five gallon buckets than Ken thinks we would need. He always seems to cut it short while I over estimate. I guess we need to start going in between our two estimates.
Anyways soon they will all be gone and we will have to clean out the gutters and blow off the drive. Then get ready for the party.

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