Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Vacations coming fast

Well since the start of our vacation is getting closer I am getting more nervous. I don't really know way I get nervous to be on vacation but I suppose it has something to do with leaving one baby behind. I am never usually nervous to get away and relax. I just guess that I am beginning to worry about Aidan. I know that he will be fine but it is just the fact that he will be so far away from us if something would happen that worries me.
Not to mention that it seems like we still have so much to do before we are even close to being ready. Everyday this week we have something going on whether it be a dentist appointment or the coaches meeting that Ken has this coming Thursday. This week is pretty booked for us, but I did notice that next week looks pretty open and that helps out a lot. I can get caught up on laundry and get the house in order before we leave. I did have the laundry almost done last week but really if I don't do it everyday then I have a mess a few days later. That's exactly what happened. Now I am playing catch up again. Vacation is fun and seems to go way to fast for the amount of planning it takes just to go.

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