Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Online School

What is the best way to finish your schooling? Well personally I love to take online classes. It is not that they are any easier than any other class it is just easier for me because with three small kids a set class in a classroom is not the easies to handle. I really don't know what I would do if I was not able to put our kids to bed at night. I personally like the freedom of taking a class online because you can do it after the kids go to bed for the night or even during their nap time. I personally like to do it online as a parent and think it is easier to find the time for my studies. I was looking this past semester at Accredited Online Schools so that maybe I could take a class to get closer to my degree. I am a little nervous about taking it online from just an online school so thats why I want it to be an accredited school. I know then that it is legitimate. It seems like there are a lot of different places out there promising a degree in a short time. I however need something or some sort of information before I would trust it.
What do you think? Do you have a favorite online school? I am looking to get into the medical field and would really like your input.

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