Thursday, August 26, 2010

What's the Diagnosis?

I really have never had anyone that was very close to me die except my grandparents. It seemed like they passed on because they were just old. I never had anyone that had a Mesothelioma diagnosis or any other disease that slowly kills your loved one. My mother in law had one but I really was not close to her and I really did not know her every well. I wish that I was able to know her more but it never happened. I do know that her disease really affected Ken and how he felt growing up. When I met him he was embarrassed that his mom was sick. he said he never really told anyone because he did not want anyone to feel sorry for him and treat him differently. He was also worried that he might have the disease she had. He told me with in the first month of our being together and I told him it was okay.
It was so hard for him to watch her suffer through the different stages. I would not wish it on anyone ever. I personally have never been through it but I watched Ken and I know how it can really hurt a person or family. I hope they find a cure for things soon so nobody else has to suffer.

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