Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Rough Times

Well I have to admit these past two weeks have been some pretty rough times. Last Thursday I was in a car accident and the van has about $2000.00 dollars worth of damage to it and then yesterday the van stopped running. The insurance company for the girl that hit me is going to cover the cost of getting the van repaired and the estimate was accepted by them for the damage. That is about the only good news we have had for a while. On my way to the chiropractor the van started making a weird noise. I was able to make it home afterwards but was advised not to drive it any longer because the engine might lock up. That is just wonderful. How do you go some place with three kids in a cavalier. This actually made me think of last weekend when I asked my brother in law if they were going to keep all of their cars because they no longer needed three of them. He replied yes because if one breaks down we always have an extra. Pretty smart thinking considering I could really use a spare vehicle right about now. I thought it was silly at the time but I guess it does come in pretty handy when the time comes you actually need it. Hopefully we can get the van up and running this weekend but I guess you never know. I hope they get the part in and that is actually what is wrong with the car. Our insurance company said I have a rental car if I need it for the accident but I did not really want to use it until the van was in the shop for the body work. I know it will take a while to get that finished so I did not want to use it just yet. I just might have too however if it does not get fixed this weekend. I hope this new week has a little better of a forecast for us.

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