Monday, March 28, 2011

Hair Cut

I am always very nervous when I cut Aidan's hair. I guess it is just because I really do not know how to do it very well. He has a different hair style than Ken and Ben so it makes me nervous. On Tuesday I am taking him for his first real hair cut. I usually cut it but I wanted to take him so that I could learn how to do it better. I did it with Ben and with Ken as well. I go with them and watch how it is done and then I have pretty much learned how to do it. I am taking him to pig tails and crew cuts in Dyer Indiana. Then I know that I will be able to know how to cut it. I learn from watching. I wanted to get it professionally done because we have a picture appointment for him on Friday and I wanted to be sure it looks really good. I will have to take his before and after picture later. Hopefully it will look great even though he hates hair cuts.

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